Version Release Notes

Release Date: 5/23/2014

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software release on 5/23/2014.

Applicant List Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

Inspections Release Notes

Landlord Access Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Purchase Orders Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Work Orders Release Notes

Applicant List

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have enhanced the SSN masking options for reports in Applicant List, which are now determined by two Policies in Setup. Setting the "aMaskSSN" policy to True will mask the first five digits of SSNs on Applicant List reports. If that policy is set to True, then also setting the "aMaskFul" policy to True will mask all the digits of SSNs on Applicant List reports. (Case 12060)

Bug Report

1. For any household member, the program would return an error if you selected certain options for the Primary Language field (on the Applicant Detail screen > Household tab > Additional sub-tab). This has been corrected. (Case 2615)

General Ledger

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Reports

1. After copying a journal batch and then editing the copied batch, it would sometimes cause extra account distribution entries, for zero-dollar amounts, to show on the Detailed General Ledger report. This has been corrected. (Case 11387)
2. After adding a Cost Center in Setup, the new Cost Center failed to show as available in Financial Report Writer. This has been corrected. (Case 10928)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. When using Android mobile inspections and marking an inspection as anything other than Passed, the system would fail to create the eTrans record for the inspection and would fail to update 50058 fields 5h and 5i (last passed HQS inspection date and last annual HQS inspection date). This has been corrected. (Case 11483)

Landlord Access Release Notes

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. Entries for certain HAP Adjustments were sometimes missing from the HAP Detail page of Landlord Access. This has been corrected. (Case 10706)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have updated HUD forms 52650 and 52652 with their new expiration dates from HUD. (Case 11726)


1. We have enhanced the SSN masking options for reports in ORC, which are now determined by two Policies in Setup. Setting the "oMaskSSN" policy to True will mask the first five digits of SSNs on ORC reports. If that policy is set to True, then also setting the "oMaskFul" policy to True will mask all the digits of SSNs on ORC reports. (Case 12060)

Bug Reports

1. For any household member, the program would return an error if you selected certain options for the Primary Language field (on the Tenant Detail screen > Household tab > Additional sub-tab). This has been corrected. (Case 2615)
2. When completing a move-in, the system would sometimes enter the Head of Household as the Additional Contact on the tenant's Customer record in Tenant Accounts Receivable. This has been corrected. (Case 5563)


WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have updated Form 941-SS, Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), with the IRS changes for 2014. (Case 11818)

Purchase Orders

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added a secondary sort option on the Browse Purchase Requests screen and on the Browse Purchase Orders screen (allowing you to have these screens "Ordered By" x and "Then By" y). (Cases 11815 and 11816)
2. We have added three Purchase Order data sources in Scribe: Purchase Orders, Purchase Requests, and Purchase Order Vendors. (Case 11775)
3. We have added the Minority Flag field to the Purchase Orders and Purchase Requests data sources in Scribe, for reporting on purchases from Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) vendors. (Case 11783)
4. We have enhanced the Browse Purchase Orders screen with the option to right-click a PO in the grid to see its Total Cost. (Case 6892)

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have implemented SSN masking options for reports in Section 8 T&L, which are determined by two Policies in Setup. Setting the "sMaskSSN" policy to True will mask the first five digits of SSNs on Section 8 T&L reports. If that policy is set to True, then also setting the "sMaskFul" policy to True will mask all the digits of SSNs on Section 8 T&L reports. (Case 12060)

Bug Report

1. An error in VMS voucher counts caused vouchers for certain special programs (such as Non-Elderly Disabled and VASH) to be included incorrectly in outgoing-portable data. This has been corrected. (Case 11719)

Tenant Accounts Receivable

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added an option for your agency to view and modify late fees before they are posted. This is determined by the new "REditLF" Policy in Setup. If this policy is True, then there will be an additional step in the Generate Late Fees Wizard where your staff can view late fees and make any needed changes before posting them. (Case 11982)
2. We have added the Customer Account Transaction Detail report, available on the Tenant Accounts Receivable Reports screen in WinTen²⁺. Among other uses, this allows you to report on past due charges. (Two report formats are also available for this report, from the Scribe button on the Tenant Accounts Receivable Reports screen: "Account Transaction Detail with Payment Applications" and "Outstanding Balance Account Transaction Detail.") (Case 11669)
3. To enhance data security, we have removed the SSN column from the ORC Changes Report (available from the Leases tab of the Receivable Reports screen) and have replaced it with the Household ID number. (Case 12060)

Bug Reports

1. A bug in the Take Payment Wizard sometimes prevented users from creating a Pre-Payment. This has been corrected. (Case 2666)
2. There was a bug on Late Fee Policies set up as percentage calculations and using "Percentage based on Amount Charged, not Balance": If back-dated transactions resulted in lowering a tenant's rent charge, the late fee sometimes failed to calculate correctly based on the updated balance. This has been corrected. (Case 11739)

Work Orders

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. There was a misspelling in the Description of the "UseWOSRV" policy in Setup. This has been corrected. (Case 11723)

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An MRI Software Company